Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cereal Coma......mmmmmmmilestone

Creux loves rice cereal! Ok, he's a little young, but he's so big that we can't get him full and I read it can help with spitting up which we are still battling. Not as much as before I switched to all liquid formula (no concentrate, no powder). It's more expensive, but his belly seems to tolerate it better I think. I took my grandmother's advice and gave him about 4 tbs of rice cereal tonight with a spoon out of a bowl with a bottle chaser--for the first time. So far so good. I went upstairs to tuck in Daddy and he and Creux were sacked out watching The Bob and Tom Show on TV before I could get him into his crib. Both snoring of course. He seemed to handle it pretty well. He kind of just licked the spoon, but eventually he understood that if he let me put some on the top of his tongue, he would get more. He was lunging after the spoon by the end of the feeding session. He was covered, but you should have seen him afterwards. He looked like me after getting off of a roller coaster.....yes, I'm a four year old, I know. He was smiling and laughing and giddy. And he was exhausted, even after a long nap! Yay! I have to transfer him to his crib when I go up because he's sleeping in my spot, so hopefully I don't wake him from his deep cereal coma.

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