Saturday, November 22, 2008

Visit to Grandma Vickie's

We made our first trip to Effingham last weekend. Creux slept the entire way down and back. Daddy and Mommy got to go see a movie together..Role Models. It was hilarious, but we really missed Creux and Grayson. Although, the break was nice. We also went to visit Grandma Linda. She had a blanket made for Creux and he loves it! It is the only thing he will sleep under now! We spent most of the weekend playing Uno Attack with Uncle Josh, Daddy, Grayson, Mommy, David, and Grandma Vickie. Grayson decided she wanted to be Uncle Josh's assistant instead...she had a ball! Creux also had his first visit to Walmart where we got to use his stroller for the first time. Jeremy saw about 50 people he knew in the 15 minutes we were there! He was such a proud papa.

Creux had a doctor appointment on Monday. He weighs 11 lbs 3 ozs now! He gained 2 1/2 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks! At this rate he will be bigger than his dad at the age of 6! He's quite the eater! His head is getting sooooo big! Tonight, only his Mommy could make him happy. I knew all of that vomiting would pay off and we would be really close!

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