Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election night

As a mother of a son born in October 2008, I found it necessary to comment on this momentous occasion -- in his baby book of all places as it stared at me from the coffee table in our basement den. Creux and I, alone as Grayson and Jeremy couldn't keep their eyes open anymore, watched the returns together in our favorite overstuffed green chair. I found myself holding him a little tighter with tears rolling down my face, with the overwhelming desire to drive to Chicago and take part in the celebration; and my favorite Keith Olbermann was the one to announce it to me. I was in heaven. Creux will never know a world where only old white men overrun the pages of our history books. I'm so happy to have shared that experience with him, even though at 4 weeks he just looked at me blankly as I used his clean burp cloth to wipe my tears. He won't remember that night, but hopefully with the entry in his baby book, he will understand his mother more, as well as his country P.O. (pre-Obama). Congrats Mr. President Elect Obama. For our country's sake, and so I can show my face at family gettogethers, please don't prove me wrong.


Grandma Vickie said...

What can I say? I was crying too, and sick to my stomach, but not for the same reason. Regardless of the Election results, I still love you and I have a few years left to convert you!

Jared Lutes said...

Go Obama, I saw him with my own eyes the Sunday before the election, I was at the track working out and on my way back stopped in at the Rally in the stadium that I had no idea was going on until that afternoon.


You've got at least one family member who has your back with this one sis.