Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pretty In Pink

I walked downstairs the other day when Aunt Em was watching Creux while I was in the shower. He was wearing Grayson's new headbands, pink headbands. We let him wear them to Grandma and Grandpa's so we could take Grayson to her swimming lessons. She's a pollywog at the YMCA in Danville. She's really improving every week. OH! And Grayson came home the other day and asked if 7 year-olds could have boyfriends. Being the super sleuth that I am, I figured out her masked statement and asked if she had a boyfriend. She said she wasn't sure and that a boy asked her who her first boyfriend was and she told him that he was. The next day she clarified with him, through a friend of course, that yes, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course, I had to have the "you are too young for a boyfriend" talk, which coming from someone who got caught kissing their boyfriend goodbye in kindergarten, was a little hypocritical! lol. Anyways, she said that means they don't think each other has cooties and they sit by each other at calendar time....whatever that is. I guess it's ok, but you should've heard her dad! I feel sorry for her when she starts dating. By the way, the boy is Caleb Ellmore, Ryan's little boy for those of you who remember my childhood friends. Like sands through the hour glass....


Unknown said...

When I first looked at that picture I thought I was seeing a younger version of myself. Poor Em; she's looking a little like her old Mom. Creux, poor Creux, too many women around buddy. Go bond with Daddy or Grandpa's. LOL
Love you all. Grandma Kima

Grandma Vickie said...

He makes a cute little girl too? Don't ever tell him or his Dad I said that....

Grandma Vickie