Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'll Get You My Pretty!

These two are already really close. They just love each other. I'm getting pictures of this now so I have proof of it!

Awwwww! My sweet baby boy.

Smiling during tummy time.

This is the only picture of Grayson that I could get with her eyes open. She is really sensitive to the flash so we take about 20 pictures to get one where she isn't blinking.


Unknown said...

They are too cute. Creux is looking more like you Tara all the time. Long legged little thing. They both are growing up so fast.
Love and miss you all. Grandma Kima

Grandma Vickie said...

They won't believe in a few years, that they were this close. They do Love each other now! Creux does like to pull Grayson's hair. Ouch..

Love Grandma Vickie