Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chillin' with the Pops!

Creux and Daddy were watching the football game tonight....and we aren't just being cutesie parents, Creux really watches football with his Dad! I mean, if we would let him, he would sit there the entire three hours and watch the game with Daddy! He's of course a Colts fan, but Daddy forces Romo on us weekly as well! I tell Daddy that he thinks he is one step closer to the NFL just because Romo is an Eastern alum! We've already decided that Creux will probably be a lineman in high school and a tight end in college and the pros! I WANT SEASON TICKETS! I got spoiled with Aunt Ali's seats!


Tara Rieman said...

Hey Budders, I know in this picture it looks like you are having the better time but the truth is that I was having even more fun. Sorry you had to hear my yell through the Dallas Cowboys disastrous display on this night but that is something you will have to get use to. By the way, this is one of my favorite ways to sit and spend time with you.

Alison said...

I think it's funny we both call our sons "budders."

Tara Rieman said...

yeah, i noticed that and wrote it on one of your comments a while back. it was probably an old one though. jeremy does that a lot.